Category: Uncategorized

  • Don’t do as I do, do as I say do

    We tell our trusting learners they can be scientists at the same time that we teach a canon of arbitrary findings from a handful of “heroic” individual white men. The telling implies that these mythical science pioneers dreamed up Truth out of their supreme white minds. We erase contributions of women and people of color…

  • Practicing Science TOGETHER. That’s right, I said “together.”

    When learners struggle to engage/experience science using the modalities presented, the presentation should not get MORE 2-dimensional and boring. Background I walked in the door at a Title I public high school in 2010 with mostly science research experience. I knew that I would need guidance. Luckily for me, some of the best educators in…


    Preschool and elementary weather activities often involve a lot of smiling suns and raindrops shaped like… “raindrops.” It’s the name given to the shape that’s pointed at the top and round at the bottom. Ironically, it is decidedly not the shape of small volumes of water that fall from clouds onto our umbrellas. When I…

  • Four Pillars of Practicing Science Together

    I have been a publishing scientist, a public (Title I) high school science teacher, a kindergarten homeschooler, a private school 5th grade science teacher, and a mom of curious kids. I have experienced science and science education and different levels and made some observations about what I believe authentic science learning looks like. Science education…